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The UNPP...

Collaboration & Partnership:

Building a Native Plant Materials Program in The Umpqua Basin

The Umpqua Native Plant Partnership was formed in spring 2021 and has grown to comprise 17 public and private agencies and organizations, as well as individuals involved in native plant materials development or restoration work. Ongoing efforts are made to recruit new members from a diverse set of individuals who engage with the landscape of the Umpqua Basin, including foresters, tribal members, educators, and business owners. The work of the UNPP benefits local ecosystems, enhancing diversity and resilience to ensure that these ecosystems endure into the future, providing inherent benefits as well as a variety of ecosystem services.


New reservation system to order native plant materials for the Fall 2024 planting season directly from Local Producers

on the UNPP Square Site! 


Seed Collection & Seed Processing

Volunteer for seed collection and seed processing (cleaning) events and be a part of building a native plant materials economy in the Umpqua Basin!



The UNPP is currently funded by BLM, The Partners Program for USFWS and USFS, and is heavily supported by the Native Plant Society - Umpqua Chapter, Pheonix School, Local Native Plant Producers, and other community partners - THANK YOU!


Do you have ideas on how to support UNPP goals? We would love to hear them at our biannual meeting or email us anytime! 

Production to Restoration Support

At Umpqua Native Plant Partnership, we are dedicated to addressing the need for partners, landowners, and producers to have access to native plant materials, ecological restoration planning, and production support.

Let us know if you are interested in ecological restoration or growing native species for ecological restoration projects in the basin.



Stay in the Know


Funding 2023 - 2026

  • USFS - Umpqua NF proposal updated to include NPM production in 2024.

  • BLM grant awarded summer 2023.

  • FWS BIL-ER Fall 2023 will provide new infrastructure funding for local NPM production.



2023 Seed Collection Stats

  • 10 seed collection events,  over 100 collections, totaling 10 lbs.

  • 34 volunteers & 400 volunteer hours!

  • 2 New Sites - Twin Lakes & Oak Flats

  • See the full inventory -

    • Achillea millefolium, Bromus Carinatus, Clarkia purpurea, Danthonia californica, Dodecatheon hendersonii, Eriophyllum lanatum, Erythranthe guttatus, Lupinus albifrons. and many more!


Get Involved & Make Your Mark!

Show your support, volunteer your time, and partner with us - your contribution will help the UNPP soar to make a true change in the ecological resiliency of our beautiful and diverse Umpqua Basin for people and the ecosystems that support us! 


Wanna make a financial contribution? 
The Understory Initiative is the fiscal sponsor of the partnership, and can accept donations on behalf of the UNPP!


Contact Umpqua Native Plant Partnership

Get in touch with Umpqua Native Plant Partnership to learn more about our work and how you can get involved.

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©2022 by Umpqua Native Plant Partnership. Proudly created with

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